The Homeopathy Research Institute is an innovative international charity created to address the need for high quality scientific research in homeopathy. We use our resources and expertise to foster new projects and to improve the quality of research being carried out in the field.
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Conference organising committee
Ms Kate Chatfield, Univ. of Central Lancashire (MSc Homeopathy Course Leader)
Ms Rachel Roberts, (Chair), Homeopathy Research Institute (CEO)
Ms Cristal Sumner, Faculty of Homeopathy & British Homeopathic Assoc. (CEO)
Dr Alexander Tournier, Homeopathy Research Institute (Executive Director)
Mr Petter Viksveen, Homeopathy Research Institute (Trustee)
Conference advisory committee
Mr David Brule, American Medical College of Homeopathy (Faculty, Doctoral programme)
Dr Peter Fisher, Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (Clinical Director)
Mr Stephen Gordon, European Central Council of Homeopaths (General Secretary)
Dr Clare Relton, Univ. of Sheffield (Research Fellow) & Homeopathy Research Institute (Trustee)
Mr Simon Wilkinson-Blake, Homeopathy Research Institute (Company Secretary & Event Organiser)
© 2014 Homeopathy Research Institute
International House, 124 Cromwell Road, London SW7 4ET